Tuesday 11 October 2022

Introduction to IELTS

This introduction is going to be as short and simple as possible because most of the beginners often find this information quite overwhelming.

This is an internationally recognized testing system which aims to test your abilities of speaking, listening, reading and writing English. If you have to take IELTS exam, this information is important to know. IELTS consists of 4 modules each testing your speaking, listening, reading and writing respectively. Each modules has 9 bands. And the overall score is also 9 which is actually average of these four modules. But the score is given after rounding-off the score. For Example; if you are getting average of 6.15 but not more than 6.25, then your overall score is 6 bands. If you exceed 6.25 then you'll be assigned 6.5 bands and so on. Concluding the basic information about overall scores, we move to scoring of each module. As a beginner, you don't have to know how the scores are given in kind of subjective parts like speaking and writing. But we'll discuss their general criteria to judge.

The general way to make a decision about your speaking is to consider just five things. As this part is pretty subjective.

1- Fluency
2- Vocabulary
3- Grammatic range and its accuracy
4- Pronunciation
5- Coherence in the sentences according to their context.

This module starts with an introduction so that you may be a bit comfortable with examiner. But this introduction is part of test and don't take it casual. Then examiner gives you a cue card on which a topic is printed about which you have to speaking for 1.5 - 2 minutes. Like a casual talk, examiner will also ask some follow-up questions.

NOTE: You don't have to worry about accents no matters either you follow American accent, British accent or any other.

This module is meant to test your English comprehension skill through listening. This is a very easy part of IELTS. This module consists of 40 questions but the audio is played once and you obtain score as much questions you attempt correctly. As shown in picture here

Reading is almost the same thing like listening but the only difference is that data is written and you have to analyze it by reading. This part becomes a little bit trickier just because it is harder than listening. For beginners it may feel difficult to understand due to unfamiliar word and also some complicated grammar rules which you have to keep in mind if you seriously want to score high. But if are clever enough to pick the context and the real sense of those paragraphs, so you don't need to worry. And normally everybody is fine after some practice. The score calculation with respect to correct answers is here (same as the listening ones).

Writing is also a subject part containing two parts i.e; writing task I and writing task II. In first one you have to elaborate all data given in your own words and you are not suppose to miss some facts about that and also don't make grammatical blunders. Same things apply for the later one which is slightly more lengthy. Both of these tasks are given with word limits and you have to fulfill at least that limit (if not more). Good writing task needs these five things.

1- Fluency
2- Vocabulary
3- Grammatic range and its accuracy
4- Spellings
5- Coherence in the sentences according to their context.

If you guys have some queries, let me know in the comments and hopefully I will entertain it.


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Introduction to IELTS

This introduction is going to be as short and simple as possible because most of the beginners often find this information quite overwhelmin...